Displaying the action menu, Using the transformation submenu – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

Page 163

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Displaying the Action Menu

Tap [Action] on the menu bar to display the menu of 12 submenus shown below.


Using the Action Menu

The following explains the functions that are available on each of these submenus.

Using the Transformation Submenu

The [Transformation] submenu contains commands for expression transformation, like
“expand” and “factor”.

S approx

Function: Transforms an expression into a numerical approximation.

Syntax: approx (Exp/Eq/Ineq/List/Mat [ ) ]

• Ineq (inequality) includes the “

p” (not equal to) relational operator.

Example: To obtain the numerical value of 2

Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][approx]

(Number Format: Normal 1)

Example: To obtain the numerical value of 9


Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][approx]

(Number Format: Normal 1)

• For information about the internal operations and the number of digits of a displayed

value, see page 2-2-7.