3 operation, 1 «ic net» - terms, 2 measuring operation – Metrohm 844 UV/VIS Compact IC User Manual

Page 71: 1 opening a system, Operation, Ic net» - terms, Measuring operation, Opening a system, Sect. 3 operation

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3.1 «IC Net» - Terms

844 UV/VIS Compact IC / Gebrauchsanweisung 8.844.1051


3 Operation

This Section describes only the most important points concerning the

operation of the 844 UV/VIS Compact IC. For further details please

refer to the «IC Net» Instructions for Use and to the on-line help in the

PC program.


«IC Net» - Terms

In the «IC Net» software a System contains the devices set under

Settings for this system, the created time programs, the data

acquisition parameters and the methods that have been optimized for a

specific separating column and the determination to be carried out with

it. Several systems can be defined and saved as system files (


) in



folder (see «IC Net» Software Instructions for Use, Section

4). Determinations (single determinations or using a sample table) are

started via the system.
Each system is linked to a method.

A Method contains all the information necessary for data acquisition,
integration, peak evaluation and results calculation. It can be re-
garded as being a skeleton chromatogram, i.e. a chromatogram
without any data. Methods are saved as method files (


) in the




A chromatogram is the graphical presentation of the elution curve (sig-
nal vs. time).
Chromatograms are saved as chromatogram files (


) in the


folder. In addition to the measuring data, the chromatogram files also
contain the method parameters and system settings used for data
acquisition, processing and remote control.

3.2 Measuring



Opening a system

A system window is opened with

IC Net / File / Open / System

and the

selection of the required system file. It contains symbols for Data


(keyboard), Watch window (screen) and all

devices that have been installed in the system. A system window for a
system with an 844 UV/VIS Compact IC is shown below: