Metrohm tiBase 1.1 User Manual
Page 346

tiBase 1.1
Measuring point list .......... 280
Menu bar ......................... 112
Monitoring ....................... 130
Open ........................ 122, 312
Organization .................... 111
Print report ....................... 251
Properties ......................... 127
Rename ............................ 126
Restore ............. 131, 294, 315
Select ............................... 123
Subwindow ...................... 117
Toolbar ............................ 116
User interface ............... 7, 111
View ................................ 119
Date ......................................... 68
Default reason .......................... 90
Change comment ............... 89
Comment ................. 213, 266
Configuration ................... 262
Control chart .................... 254
Curve display .................... 279
Delete ...................... 250, 303
Determination overview .... 207
Device information ........... 262
Display all statistical records
......................................... 218
Displaying history ............. 253
Display signatures ............. 225
Examples .......................... 250
Export ...................... 249, 301
Filter ......................... 216, 298
Functions ......................... 212
Import ...................... 250, 303
Information ...................... 257
Make old version current . . 253
Making current ................. 304
Measuring point list .......... 280
Messages ......................... 265
Modification comment ..... 248
Overlay curves .................. 255
Print report ....... 251, 309, 334
Reason for modification .... 248
Reprocess ......................... 305
Reprocessing .................... 226
Search ...................... 213, 297
Selection .......................... 211
Send to ............................ 249
Sensor information ........... 262
Show calibration curve ..... 253
Sign .................................. 299
Signature permissions ......... 78
Signatures ........................ 257
Status ............................... 257
Update ............................. 212
Variables ............................ 29
Version ............. 253, 257, 304
Determination overview
Column display ................. 208
Data display ...................... 207
Data record selection ........ 211
Filter selection .................. 209
Functions ......................... 212
General ............................ 206
Navigation bar .................. 209
Print ................. 251, 310, 335
Table navigation ............... 210
Update ..................... 207, 212
Make old version current . . 253
Version ............................. 253
Device information ........... 262
Dialog language ..................... 103
Division .................................... 37
Electronic signature .................. 89
Export template .................. 98
Login .................................. 91
Endpoint list ..................... 236
Set manually ..................... 234
Show ............................... 288
Equal to .................................... 41
Error (Function) ......................... 65
Manual curve evaluation ... 234
Show evaluation lines ....... 288
Exponential function ................. 48
Configuration data ..... 98, 317
Determinations ......... 249, 301
Export templates .............. 178
Export template
Edit .................................. 179
Field selection ................... 182
Manage ........................... 178
Options for for CSV format
......................................... 182
Options for measurement point
list .................................... 183
Properties ......................... 179
Request at file export ........ 183
Selection .......................... 249
FDA ............................................ 8
All statistical records ......... 218
Delete .............................. 218
Determinations ................. 216
Filter criterion ................... 219
Filter selection .................. 209
Last filter .......................... 216
Quick filter ........................ 216
Save ................................. 218
Special filter ...................... 217
Fixed report ............................ 160
Form report ............................ 135
Variable .............................. 21
Formula editor
ASCII table ......................... 66
Calculation algorithms ........ 18
Common variables .............. 31
Determination variables ...... 29
Function buttons ................ 17
Functions ........................... 33
Input field ........................... 17
Operators ........................... 33
Overview ............................ 17
Result variables ................... 28
System variables ................. 30
Variables ............................ 20
Fraction .................................... 50
Absolute value .................... 50
Case ................................... 64
Common logarithm ............ 49
Configuration ..................... 74
Database .......................... 118
Determination overview .... 212
Error ................................... 65
Exponential function ........... 48
Fraction .............................. 50
Integer ............................... 51
Natural logarithm ............... 48
NumberToText ................... 56
NumberToTime ................... 57
Overview ............................ 33
Quantiles of the Student's t-dis-
tribution ............................. 52
Rounding integer ................ 51
Sign .................................... 52
Square root ........................ 49
SubText .............................. 63
TextPosition ........................ 62
TextToNumber ................... 57
TextToTime ......................... 58