Rockwell Automation AADvance Controller Safety Manual User Manual
Page 110

Document: 553630
ICSTT-RM446K-EN-P Issue: 10
Safety Manual (AADvance Controller)
Has a risk analysis been completed to determine the Safety
Integrity Levels that need to be handled by the system ?
Functional Requirements Checklist
Is the definition of each of the required functions complete?
Are the interfaces, signals, and data associated with each function
clearly identified?
Where a 'tag referencing' scheme is used for these signals, has a
summary description of the naming convention been provided to
facilitate an understanding of the role of the signal?
Have the performance requirements for each function, or
collective functions, been defined?
Have the operating modes of the EUC, process or plant been
clearly defined?
Have the functions required to operate in each plant
operating-mode been identified?
Have the transitions between each plant operating-mode been
defined? Have the functions necessary to effect these transitions
been established?
Safety Requirements Checklist
Have all of the functional requirements been allocated a required
safety requirements class?
Has the safety-related timing for each safety-related function,
including process safety time (PST) and fault tolerance period,
been established?
Have the safety requirements been approved?
Are there clear definitions of the external interfaces involved in
each of the safety-related functions? (These may already be defined
in the functional requirements).
Is there now sufficient information to understand how the plant
should be controlled safely in each of its intended operating