Rockwell Automation RSBizWare Administration Guide User Manual
Page 219

Administering RSBizWare servers Chapter 7
Value name (units)
Location in pre-RSBizWare 9.0
not need to sleep.
DataQueueWarning Threshold (#
of Data Queue Items)
500 or 5 *
The number of items waiting to be
processed. When the number is reached, a
warning log message is generated and the
database update rate is changed to the
configured warning state update rate.
This value was hardcoded in previous
versions of the software.
DataQueueError Threshold (# of
Data Queue Items)
1000 or
10 *
The number of items waiting to be
processed. When the number is reached, an
error log message is generated and the
database will only be updated when
summarizations occur.
This value was hardcoded in previous
versions of the software.
DatabaseUpdate Interval
The frequency with which the Calculator
thread will update the database with
calculated values during normal processing.
This value was hardcoded in previous
versions of the software.
WarningDatabase Update
Interval (Seconds)
The frequency with which the Calculator
thread will update the database with
calculated values while the server is in a
warning state.
This value did not exist in versions of the
software prior to RSBizWare 9.0.
EnabledWorkcell PollingRate
The frequency with which the Metrics Server
Manager checks the database for newly
enabled or disabled workcells.
This value was hardcoded in previous
versions of the software.
PartCountBuffering Duration
The frequency with which the Calculator
thread will buffer part counts before
performing an OEE calculation operation.
This value was hardcoded in previous
versions of the software.
MaxMemoryUsage (KB)
0 No limit The Metrics Server Manager monitors the
process memory size; if the server exceeds
the limit set in this value, the server halts
the processing of RSL files until enough
items have been released to handle the
number of records in the current RSL file.
Setting the value to zero means no limit.
Any value below 50,000 will be ignored.
This value did not exist in versions of the
software prior to RSBizWare 9.0. This
variable was created to resolve a problem
with the server crashing when handling
large numbers of RSL files.
MinMemoryProcess Duration
The Metrics Server Manager tracks the
number of records in each RSL file and the
time during which the RSL file was
processed to determine the amount of
memory needed for the amount of time
specified. The server will keep enough
This value did not exist in versions of the
software prior to RSBizWare 9.0. This
variable was created to allow the server to
release unused memory back to the
operating system.
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014