Rockwell Automation 1772-LS_LSP,D17726.8.6 PROG/OPER MANUAL-MINI PLC-2/05 User Manual
Page 250

Appendix B
Noise Spike
A noise disturbance of relatively short duration.
Non-Retentive Output
An output which is continuously controlled by a program rung. Whenever the
rung changes state (true or false), the output turns on or off. Contrasted with a
retentive output which remains in its last state (on or off) depending on which of
its two rungs, latch or unlatch, was last true.
Nonvolatile Memory
A memory that is designed to retain its data while its power supply is turned off.
Octal Numbering System
A numbering system that uses only the digits 0 through 7. Also called base 8.
Equipment or devices that are not connected to, or do not directly communicate
with, the central processing unit.
Equipment or devices which communicate with the device it is connected to.
OnLine Data Change
Allows the user to change various data table values using a peripheral device
while the application is operating normally.
OnLine Editing
Allows the user to modify a program using a peripheral device while the
application is operating normally.
OnLine Operation
Operations where the programmable controller is directly controlling a machine
or process.
A programming technique which sets a storage bit or output for only one
program scan. See Leading Edge One-Shot and Trailing Edge One-Shot.
Operating System
A software system that controls the operation of a processor system by
providing for input/output, allocation of memory space, or translation
of programs.
Information transferred from processor image table words through output
modules to control output devices.
Output Devices
Devices such as solenoids and motor starters that receive data from the
programmable controller.