Rockwell Automation 1772-LS_LSP,D17726.8.6 PROG/OPER MANUAL-MINI PLC-2/05 User Manual
Page 241
Appendix B
1) A unit, such as a programmable controller or relay panel, which operates an
industrial application. 2) To cause a machine or process to function in a
predetermined manner. 3) To energize or de-energize a processor output, or to
set a data table bit to on or reset it to off, by means of the user program.
Control Panel
1) A panel which may contain instruments or pushbutton switches. 2) In the
Advisor system, a device which allows an operator to access and control plant
operations through manipulation of the processor data table.
See Central Processing Unit
CTR Terminal
A terminal containing a cathode ray tube that displays user programs
and information.
1) The intensified or blinking element in the user program or file display. 2) A
means for indicating on a CRT screen where data entry or editing occurs.
Cursored Rung
The rung containing a cursor.
A general term for any type of information.
Data Address
A location in memory where data can be stored.
Data Files
Groups of data values stored in the data table. These files are manipulated by
the user program as required by the application.
Data Table
The part of processor memory that contains I/O values and files where data is
monitored, manipulated, and changed for control purposes.
Data Terminal
1) A device used only to send or receive data. 2) A peripheral device which can
load, monitor, or dump processor memory data, including the data table or data
files. This also includes CRT devices and line printers.
Data Transmission Rate
See Baud.
The process of detecting locating, and correcting errors in hardware or software.