RKI Instruments SDM-2012 PC Controlled Configuration User Manual

Page 187

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Bump Testing GX-2012s and Gas Tracers • 182

If you are bump testing a 0 - 10000 ppm range Gas Tracer, the Gas Cylinder
Confirmation Screen will appear as shown below. Even though there are no
other sensors installed in the instrument, GAS 2 will still be used to bump test
the ppm sensor. The ppm sensor will be deselected in this screen and cannot
be selected.

Figure 143: Gas Cylinder Confirmation Screen, 0 - 10000 ppm Gas Tracer

When all of the desired channels are selected, click OK. If you don’t want to
proceed, click Cancel to abort the bump test.


You will then be asked to confirm the auto calibration values and the
instruments that the calibration cylinder will be used for. Be sure the auto
calibration values match the values listed on the calibration cylinder. The serial
number and gas combination of all selected instruments will appear
sequentially beneath the gas cylinder concentrations. If you are bump testing
standard GX-2012s (catalytic LEL, O


, H


S, and CO) and standard Gas

Tracers (catalytic LEL, ppm combustible, O


, and CO), the screen will appear

as shown below. The ppm sensor will be bump tested first with GAS 2 and
then the remaining sensors will be bump tested with GAS 1. The GAS 2
selection box is deselected by default. You must select the GAS 2 box if you
wish to bump test the ppm combustible sensor. If you do not wish to bump test