Instrument function menu – RKI Instruments SDM-2012 PC Controlled Configuration User Manual
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Instrument Function Menu • 154
Instrument Function Menu
When you are in the main program window, if you right click on an instrument or a
docking station, the Instrument Function Menu appears.
The functions in the Instrument Function Menu are Open, Edit, Download, Clear
Logs, and Power Off. Edit is only selectable if the Change Parameter selection box in
the Parameter Tab of the Configuration Window is selected. If you right click on an
instrument that is currently connected to a docking station, all items in the Instrument
Function Menu are selectable as shown above in Figure 125. If you right click on an
instrument that is not currently connected to the SDM-GX PC Controller Program,
only the Open function is selectable. The other functions will be grayed out. If you
right click on an SDM-2012 that is connected to the SDM-GX PC Controller Program
but does not have an instrument in it, no functions will be selectable.
Open Function
This function can be activated by either right clicking an instrument and selecting
Open(O) when the pull down menu appears or by selecting an instrument and then
using the alt/O key combination. The Open function brings up the Instrument
Information window for viewing only. No changes can be made with the Open
function. The Instrument Information Window consists of the Parameter Tab, the
Figure 125: Instrument Function Menu