Programming – Lenze 2130IB User Manual
Page 23

The programming section using the 2130IB bus interface module is
divided into the following chapters:
• Commissioning
• Code table 2130IB
• PROFIBUS operating modes
• DRIVECOM parameters
• Lenze parameters
• Glossary
This chapter contains important information about the initial
connection of the 2130IB together with a controller base device and
an automation module.
In addition, you will obtain information about the installation of the
LEMOC2 PC program, which is necessary for the parameter
setting of the 2130IB.
Code table 2130IB
In the code table 2130IB those parameters are listed which are
used for the setting of the module and the bus system. You can set
these parameters by means of LECOM-A/B or the LEMOC2 PC
program or PROFIBUS.
PROFIBUS operating modes
This chapter contains information about the selection of the operating
modes PROFIBUS-DP or PROFIBUS mixed operation DP/FMS.
For these operating modes, the required settings of the master and the
controller are described. For PROFIBUS-DP, an example program for
the SIMATIC-S5 is briefly explained.
DRIVECOM parameters
This chapter describes the DRIVECOM profile parameters which
are implemented on the module. These are, among others, the
DRIVECOM states and the status and control word as well as the
configuration of the process data and the monitoring functions for
Lenze parameters
This chapter describes the access to Lenze parameters in the base
controller or in the automation module.
In addition, the control of the device together with an automation
module is explained.
In this chapter, all the important technical terms and abbreviations (e.g.
AIF, PDU, subindex) are explained, which you will find in these operating