Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual

Page 93

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Text (word processing)


Breaking a page or column

Each page is preset to break (end) at the bottom of the page. Text continues
at the top of the next page or column. You can end the page or column before
it fills up by inserting a break at the insertion point.

To set a page or column break, position the insertion point where you want
the break, and then choose Insert Column Break or Insert Page Break from the Format
menu. If Show Invisibles is selected in the Preferences dialog box, you see a
page or column break character where you inserted the break. (For
more information about preferences, see “Setting preferences” on
page 3-21.)

Tip To show or hide formatting characters quickly, click

on the Default

button bar, or type

2-; (semicolon).

To remove a break, click at the beginning of the line that follows the break
and press Delete.

Scrolling pages

In a multiple-page word processing document, you can scroll pages from
side to side, or one page on top of the next.

To change how the pages scroll, choose Document from the Format menu. In
the Document dialog box, select One Page Above The Next or Facing Pages Side-By-
Side, and then click OK.


Choose Index from the

or Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from

the list and click Go To Topic.

In the Help index,




columns, breaks in

In the Help index,




pages, guides