Turning off a style – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual
Page 235

Beyond the basics
You see the pointer for editing styles
when you exit the New Style dialog
box (unless you selected Inherit document selection format). If you want to edit the
style now, see “Editing styles” on page 9-15. If you don’t want to edit the
style, click Done on the stylesheet palette.
Tip If you choose Default from the Based on pop-up menu in the New Style
dialog box, your style will contain many preset formatting properties. To see
these properties, open the stylesheet palette, select the Default style, and then
click the Edit button. Click Done when you’re finished.
Turning off a style
Once you apply a style, you can restore an item to its original state by
choosing Unapply Style from the Edit menu on the stylesheet palette. (The name
of the command varies depending on the style you applied.)
Choose Index from the
or Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from
the list and click Go To Topic.
Select the
type of style
you want to
Click to use the
properties of the
item selected in
your document
Type a name for your style
Choose None if you don’t want the new style to
assume any preset formatting options, or choose a
style to acquire that style’s properties
In the Help index,
styles, editing
Scroll to see more
Default paragraph properties
In the Help index,
styles, using