Working with frames – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual

Page 57

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Working with frames

In AppleWorks, you can add different types of information (spreadsheet
data, text, and paint images) to the same document. These different types of
information are stored in special objects called frames. A frame is an object
that acts like a window to another type of document. You can draw frames
in every type of document (except communications).

To create a frame, click to select a frame tool in the tool panel, position the
pointer over the page, and then hold down the mouse button and drag the
pointer until the frame is the size you want. You can now work in the frame,
and you see the appropriate menu commands for that frame (for example,
you see spreadsheet commands when you work in a spreadsheet frame).

Library palette

Add AppleWorks clip art to a
document, or store items that
you want to reuse

“Using libraries” on page 3-18

Mail merge

Merge database information
with a word processing or
spreadsheet document, or a
text frame in a draw document

“Merging data into documents (mail
merge)” on page 9-22


Create, apply, and edit styles
for formatting text,
paragraphs, spreadsheets,
outlines, and graphic objects

“Using styles” on page 9-5

Links palette

Create and edit links
(document links, URL links,
and book marks)

“Creating links” on page 9-1


Choose Index from the

or Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from

the list and click Go To Topic.

Use the


For more information, see

In the Help index,




frames, tools


frames, creating

Use the paint tool to
draw a paint frame

Use the text tool to
draw a text frame

Use the spreadsheet tool to
draw a spreadsheet frame