Finding documents – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual
Page 37

Creating, opening, and printing documents
In the Open dialog box, you can search for a document and choose the type
of document you want to open.
Note If you have the QuickTime extension in your Extensions folder (in your
System Folder), you see Show Preview under the scrolling list in the Open
dialog box. Selecting Show Preview displays a preview image (thumbnail
sketch) of a selected PICT, QuickTime, or AppleWorks word processing,
draw, or paint document. To create a preview, click the Create button when
the button is active (not dimmed). To save an AppleWorks document with a
preview image, choose Preferences from the Edit menu, choose General from the
Topic pop-up menu, select Create Preview in the Saved Documents area, and
then click OK. Then, save the document. For more information, see “Setting
preferences” on page 3-21.
Note You can also open a document using the Convert Documents script.
See “Converting documents” on page 2-19.
Finding documents
When you need help locating a document on your computer, or in your
computer system when you have external drives, use the Find AppleWorks
Documents Assistant. For more information, see “Using an Assistant” on
page 2-4.
Choose a folder or disk to see documents and
folders in that location
Choose the type of document to
open (such as Painting)
Choose the file type for the
document to open (such as GIF)
Contents of the
selected folder or drive
(double-click a folder
to show its contents)
Click to display a
preview of the
selected document
Preview of the
selected document