Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual

Page 79

background image

Text (word processing)


To display the Paragraph dialog box, choose Paragraph from the Format menu.

Tip You can use preset paragraph styles supplied by AppleWorks, or
paragraph styles you create, to change a paragraph’s formatting in one step.
For example, you can apply a style to format paragraphs with hanging
indents and bullets in the margin. To show the stylesheet, click

on the

Default button bar (or choose Show Stylesheet from the Window menu). Then
select the paragraphs to format and click Bullet. (To format a single paragraph,
click anywhere in that paragraph and click Bullet.) For information on
applying styles or creating your own, see onscreen Help and “Using styles”
on page 9-5.


Choose Index from the

or Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from

the list and click Go To Topic.

First-line indent marker

Alignment controls

Left margin marker

(drag top part only)

Tab markers

Line-spacing controls

Right margin marker

Paragraph and

outline labels

Column controls

First-line indent and left margin marker
(drag bottom part only)

In the Help index,





Then click to

apply a preset


To see a style’s
properties, click Edit, and
then select the style

Properties of
the style Bullet



Select the text

you want to
