Formatting cell data – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual

Page 155

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To copy cell contents—including formulas—into adjacent cells, drag to
select the cells with the data to duplicate and continue dragging down or to
the right over the cells you want to fill. Then choose Fill Down or Fill Right from
the Calculate menu.

Use the Fill Special command in the Calculation menu to fill cells with:


a logical series of numbers, times, or dates


a day (Monday), month (January), or quarter name (Qtr 1)


any pattern of text or data

For example, you can prepare a schedule by filling a range of cells with times
and another range of cells with the days of the week. To fill a range of cells
with a logical series or a repeated pattern of data, select the cells and then
choose Fill Special from the Calculate menu. Select options and click OK. For a
complete description of the Fill Special command, see onscreen Help.

Formatting cell data

You can change the format of any part of your spreadsheet. Start by selecting
the cell, cell range, column, or row that you want to change.


Choose Index from the

or Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from

the list and click Go To Topic.

In the Help index,




filling cells

Selected cells

AppleWorks copies the
formula to the selected cells

Result of a


Fill Right

Selected cells

AppleWorks fills the
selected cells with data

Fill Special

Cells filled with a
sequence of times

In the Help index,






spreadsheets, formatting