Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual
Page 289

Choose Index from the
or Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from the list and click Go To Topic.
text and spreadsheets in 6-14
tools, using in 6-4
when to use 6-1
zooming images in 6-10
Paint frames
See also Frames; Paint
book marks in 6-17
creating in
any document 6-2
draw documents 5-20
spreadsheet documents
word processing
documents 4-34
described 6-3
linking 9-29
links to different or same
document 6-17
opening and closing 6-4
painting in 6-4
point of origin 6-4
resizing 6-4
Painting tools 6-5
Paintings and drawings, differences
between 6-2
See also Colors; Gradients;
Patterns; Textures
described 3-8
fill and pen 5-9, 6-6
library 3-18
links 9-2
mail merge 9-24
preferences for 3-22
stylesheet 9-5
Pane controls 3-1
Pane, scrollback 10-5
Paragraph Sorter Assistant 2-6, 4-14
Paragraph styles 9-7, 9-13
adding bullets, numbers, or
checkboxes to 4-11
aligning text in 4-12
copying ruler settings for 4-14
counting 4-33
indenting 4-11
line spacing, changing 4-8
reordering 4-12
sorting 2-6, 4-14
space between 4-13
styles for 9-7, 9-13
Parts, database
copying summary fields in 8-37
deleting and resizing 8-37
described 8-36
inserting 8-36
opening protected
documents 2-10
setting 2-17
Paste Function button 7-27
See also Copying; Cutting
data 7-8
formats 7-10
described 3-10
cell 7-10
paragraph 4-14
library items 3-20
objects 5-9
objects in a spreadsheet cell 3-10
styles 9-17
text from communications
documents 3-10
See also Palettes
changing in charts 7-33
copying from objects 5-11
setting for
database fields 8-34
images 6-6
objects 5-10
Pencil 6-5
Perspective, adding to images 6-11
Phone book (communications) 10-3,
Pick Up command 6-13
Picture clippings 3-11
adding to
database fields 8-9, 8-14
database layouts 8-33
drawings 5-19
headers and footers 3-14
HTML files 11-5
libraries 3-18
paintings 6-15
spreadsheets 7-33
word processing
documents 4-34
formatting, in database
fields 8-34
inline 4-34
wrapping text around 4-35
changing size of 6-15
described 6-1, 6-15
editing individual 6-10
Point of origin, for
paint frames 6-4
spreadsheet frames 7-4
Pointer. See Arrow pointer
See also Objects
closing 3-22
connecting 5-14
reshaping 5-13
tools for drawing 5-4
Pop-up menus in database fields
described 8-8
finding 8-26, 8-28
selecting 8-19
Postal codes, in databases 8-8
Preferences 3-21
Presentation Assistant 2-6
Previewing documents to be
printed 2-21, 3-12
choosing page size and
orientation 3-18
communications 10-7
database 8-40
described 2-20
merge 9-25
spreadsheet 7-21
with links 9-3
Help topics 2-20
labels 8-40
scrollback pane contents 10-5
spreadsheet headings 7-21
Protecting spreadsheet cells 7-6, 7-12
PT document type 2-4
Publish & Subscribe *Publish &
QuickHelp application 1-4