Reordering slides, Showing the slides using one computer, Showing slides remotely over a network – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual

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Beyond the basics


Reordering slides

Once you’ve created a slide show, you can reorder the slides. To change the
order of your slides, choose Slide Show from the Window menu. In the Slide
Show dialog box, drag a slide up or down.

Showing the slides using one computer

To show your slide presentation, choose Slide Show from the Window menu.
In the Slide Show dialog box, click Start.

Tip Press Option as you choose Slide Show to bypass the Slide Show dialog
box and go directly into the slide show.

The slide show runs with the options set in the Slide Show dialog box. (See
“Setting up slides” on page 9-19.) To advance to the next slide, press Space
bar. To return to the previous slide, press Shift-Space bar. To stop the slide
show at any time, press q.

When you’re finished with the slide show, click Done to save any settings you
changed or click Cancel to restore the original settings.

Showing slides remotely over a network

You can run a slide show from a different computer on your network, so that
you don’t have to sit in front of the computer displaying the slides. Use the
Remote Slide Show script (a script is a command that performs one action
or sequence of actions).

1. Open the slide show document on the computer on which you’re showing the



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slide shows, running

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