Cell references in formulas – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual

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AppleWorks 5 User’s Manual

Formulas can be simple or very complex, with many parts. All of these are
legitimate (and simple) formulas:

See “Working with functions” on page 7-26 for more information on

Cell references in formulas

A formula can contain references to a cell or a range of cells. AppleWorks
uses the data in the cells to compute the formula’s result. There are two types
of references: relative and absolute.


A relative reference gives the location of a cell relative to the location of
the current cell. If you copy and paste a formula with a relative reference
to another cell, AppleWorks changes the reference to reflect the relative
position from the new source cell.


An absolute reference stays the same when you copy and paste a formula.
To enter an absolute cell reference, type a dollar sign ($) before each part
of the cell address. You can also mix absolute and relative addresses in
the same formula (for example, =$A$1+B1).

This formula

Does this


Adds the values in cells B6 and B8


Multiplies the value in cell E9 by 3.5, a constant (fixed value)
that you supply


Multiplies the values in two named cells (see “Naming cells
and ranges” on page 7-12)


Places a text constant (California) in a cell


Uses the SUM function (a predefined formula) to add the
values in the cell range D4 to D12


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cells, references

The formula in cell A3 is =$A$1+$A$2.
If you copy the data in cell A3 to B3, the
formula is still =$A$1+$A$2.

Relative reference

The formula in cell A3 is =A1+A2. If
you copy the data in cell A3 to B3,
the formula becomes =B1+B2.

Absolute reference