Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual
Page 92

AppleWorks 5 User’s Manual
Important If your document already contains columns of variable width,
clicking the increase-columns or decrease-columns control changes them to
equal width.
You can change a column’s width and the space between two columns by
using the mouse to drag the column guide (border).
Using text frames to create columns In complex columnar documents such as
newsletters or brochures, try using linked text frames in a draw document
instead of columns in a word processing document. You’ll have more
flexibility to resize text frames and place them where you want.
Do this
Change a
column’s width
Press Option and move the
pointer precisely over a column
guide until the pointer looks like
. Then press the mouse
button and drag right or left.
Change the width
of two adjacent
columns and keep
the space between
them the same
Press Option and move the
pointer between the column
guides until the pointer looks like
. Then press the mouse
button and drag right or left.
Click to add columns
Click to subtract columns
Shows the number of columns
After column is moved left
After column is moved left