Apple AppleWorks 5 : Mac OS User Manual
Page 221

insert information from another AppleWorks database. AppleWorks
pastes the whole database into the current database.
insert information from saved ASCII, DBF, DIF, or SYLK formats. You
select the fields to insert from the other database.
Any changes you make in AppleWorks affect only the AppleWorks
document into which you import or insert the data. The document that the
data comes from remains unchanged.
Important Make a backup copy of your AppleWorks database before you
insert from another document.
AppleWorks supports these formats:
Do this
Import a database
Choose Open from the File menu, and then choose
Database from the Document Type pop-up menu. Choose
a file format from the File Type pop-up menu, and then
click Open.
Insert a database
Create a database, or open a database to insert into.
on the Default button bar, or choose Insert from
the File menu, and then select the file to insert.
If you selected an AppleWorks database, AppleWorks
inserts it. If you selected an ASCII, DBF, DIF, or SYLK
database, choose the fields to insert in the Import Field
Order dialog box, and then click OK.
Supported format
Used by
AppleWorks DB
ASCII text
Most applications
dBASE files
Some spreadsheet applications, database applications,
and AppleWorks
MS Works 2.0 DB
Microsoft Works 2.0
Spreadsheet applications such as Apple Resolve, Wingz,
and Microsoft Excel