Campbell Scientific CR10X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 362

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Tipping Bucket Rain Gage 7-7, 8-5
Totalize - [Instruction 72] 11-4

Programming example 8-3

Transmitted Data (TD) 6-6
Trigger, SDM Group - [Instruction 110] 9-24
Tutorial OV-1


UDG01, see SDM-UDG01
User flags 3-4
Using the PC208 Terminal Emulator

(GraphTerm) OV-11


Vapor Pressure From Wet-/Dry-Bulb

Temperatures - [Instruction 57] 10-6
Programming examples 8-13, 12-3

Vehicle power supply 14-5
Vibrating wire, measure sensor, Geokon's 7-16
Vibrating Wire Measurement -

[Instruction 28] 9-15
Programming example 7-19

Voltage measurements

Differential 7-3
Differential/single-ended OV-4, 13-1
Integration 13-1
Overrange Detection 3-2
Range Codes 3-2, 9-1
Single-Ended 7-1

Voltage on analog input, excess x
Volts (SE), see Single-Ended Volts - [Instruction 1]
Volts (Diff), see Differential Volts - [Instruction 2]
VS1 Voice Phone Modem 12-7, H-2

Typical Current Drain 14-2


Watchdog reset 1-9, 3-9
Water Level

Programming examples 7-11, 7-16

WDT-VP, see Vapor Pressure from Wet/Dry

Bulb Temperatures - [Instruction 57]

Wind Vector - [Instruction 69] 11-1

Programming example 8-7

Wiring Panel, see CR10WP Wiring Panel


X * F - [Instruction 37] 10-2

Programming examples 7-20, 8-13

X * Y - [Instruction 36] 10-2

X + F - [Instruction 34] 10-1

Programming examples 7-14, 7-20, 8-8, 8-9

X + Y - [Instruction 33] 10-1

Programming examples 7-20, 8-18

X - Y - [Instruction 35] 10-1

Programming examples 7-20, 8-23

X / (1-X), see Bridge Transform - [Instruction 59]
X / Y - [Instruction 38] 10-2
X Mod F - [Instruction 46] 10-3

Programming example 8-21



- [Instruction 47] 10-3


YSI 44032 Thermistor source resistance and

signal levels 13-10, 13-11


Z = 1/X - [Instruction 42] 10-2
Z = ABS(X) - [Instruction 43] 10-3
Z = ARCTAN(X/Y) - [Instruction 66] 10-16
Z = EXP(X) - [Instruction 41] 10-2
Z = F - [Instruction 30] 10-1

Programming examples 7-20, 8-9

Z = FRAC(X) - [Instruction 44] 10-3

Programming example 8-21

Z = INT(X) - [Instruction 45] 10-3
Z = LN(X) - [Instruction 40] 10-2
Z = SIN(X) - [Instruction 48] 10-3

Programming examples 8-18, 8-21

Z = SQRT(X) - [Instruction 39] 10-2
Z = X - [Instruction 31] 10-1

Programming examples 8-8, 8-13

Z = X + F - [Instruction 34] 10-1
Z = X + Y - [Instruction 33] 10-1
Z = X - Y - [Instruction 35] 10-1
Z = X * F - [Instruction 37] 10-2
Z = X * Y - [Instruction 36] 10-2
Z = X / Y - [Instruction 38] 10-2
Z = X MOD F - [Instruction 46] 10-3
Z = X


- [Instruction 47] 10-3

Z = Z + 1 - [Instruction 32] 10-1

Programming example B-13