Campbell Scientific CR10X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 359

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Pressure transducer

Programming examples 7-11, 7-20

Print device, Definition A-2
PRINT option on-line data transfer 4-1
Print peripherals 4-2, 6-2, A-3

Controlling data transmission to 2-2, 4-1
Output formats 4-3
Save/Load programs (

∗D Mode) 1-10

Printer Pointer (PPTR) 2-2
Processing Instructions 10-1

Definition OV-8, A-3
Memory and execution times 3-7
Programming examples 8-1

Program Control Flags 3-3
Program Control Instructions 12-1

Command code parameter 3-4, 12-1
Definition OV-8, A-3
Logical constructions 3-4
Memory and execution times 3-8
Programming examples 7-1, 8-1

Program memory

Definition OV-5, 1-7
Signature 1-9

Program Tables

Compiling 1-3
Definition 1-1, A-3
Example of entering program OV-13
Exceeding execution interval 1-1
Execution interval OV-7, 1-1
Instruction location number A-2
Interrupt subroutine 1-2, 12-1

Programming example 8-5

Start/stop running 1-1
Table priority 1-2


Entering a program OV-13
Entering negative numbers 3-1
Functional modes OV-10
Instruction format OV-12
Key definition OV-11
Logical constructions 3-4
Manual control of program execution 1-5
Overrange detection 3-2
Overview of Instruction Set 3-1
Program memory OV-5, 1-7
Remote 5-5
Save/load programs (

∗D Mode) 1-10

Sequence OV-12

Programming examples OV-13

Editing an existing program OV-17
Sample program 1 OV-14
Sample program 2 OV-16

Programming the CR10X OV-11


from the environment 14-1
Lightning 14-6
Moisture x, 14-1, 14-9
Reverse polarity 14-1
Temperature 14-1
Transient OV-4, 14-1, 14-6

PS12LA lead acid power supply 14-3
PS512M Power Supply with Null Modem Ports 14-5
PS9104E - [Instruction 29] 9-17
Psychrometer programming example 12-3
Pulse Count - [Instruction 3] 9-1

Programming examples 7-6, 7-7, 8-5, 8-6

Pulse inputs OV-3, OV-4
Pulse port with duration - [Instruction 21] 9-10
PVC insulated conductors, Avoiding 13-10


Rain gauge, Tipping Bucket

Connecting to CR10X 7-7
Counting switch closure on 8-6

Rainfall intensity, Example of

programming 8-3

Rainflow Histogram - [Instruction 81] 11-6
RD (Received Data) 6-6
Read Datalogger ID - [Instruction 117] 9-25
Read Ports - [Instruction 25] 9-14
Real Time, see Set Real Time - [Instruction 114],

Record Real Time - [Instruction 77]

Received Data (RD) 6-6
Record Real Time - [Instruction 77] 11-5

Programming example OV-16

Reference Junction, see CR10TCR

Thermocouple Reference Junction

Relays, Using digital I/O ports for switching 14-7
Remote Keyboard State OV-11, 5-4
Repetitions parameter 3-1
Request To Send (RTS) 6-6, B-1
Resetting CR10X ix, 1-8
Resistance measurements

Bridge resistance 13-17
Requiring AC excitation 13-21

Resolution 2-3, 11-6
Retrieval options, Data storage and OV-20
RF95 Radio Modem 6-3, 6-7, 12-9, H-2, I-2

Typical Current Drain 14-2

RH (207) 7-5, 9-7
RH (CS500) 7-1
RI (Ring Indicator) 6-6
Ring interrupts 6-3
Ring Line (Pin 3) 6-1, A-3
Ring memory 2-1
RS232 Input from Sensors B-1