Campbell Scientific CR10X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 354

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6 Wire Full Bridge (Lysimeter) 7-12
Comparison of bridge measurement

instructions 13-19

Diagram of bridge measuring circuits

with AC excitation 13-18

Bridge Transform - [Instruction 59] 10-6

Programming examples 7-11, 7-15, 8-4

Bulk Load - [Instruction 65] 10-15

Programming example 7-23

Burst Measurement - [Instruction 23] 9-11



Avoid PVC insulated conductors 13-10
Connecting Leads to Wiring Panel OV-1
Effect of lead length on signal settling

time 13-3

Tipping bucket rain gage with long leads 7-7

Calibration - [Instruction 24] 9-14, 13-23

Process 13-22


Begin Case - [Instruction 93] 12-5
If Case 12-1

Cautionary notes x
CD16AC, see SDM-CD16AC AC/DC Relay



Differential analog OV-4, 13-2
Single-ended analog OV-4, 13-2

Checksum 5-2
Clear To Send (CTS) 6-6, B-1

Example of setting OV-19
Set/display time (

∗5 Mode) 1-4

CM6/CM10 Tripods grounding protection 14-6
Common mode range 13-3, 14-7
Communicating with the CR10X OV-10

Via telemetry 5-1
With external peripherals 4-1
With other dataloggers H-1


Protocol OV-10, 5-2, 6-7
Troubleshooting 6-7


Data 1-5
Errors 3-9
Program 1-3

Computation of Running Average 8-1

Connecting to serial port OV-10
Save/load program (

∗D Mode) 1-10

Use with SC32A OV-11, 6-5

Connecting Power to the CR10X OV-4, 14-1
Control Port Expansion Module with Drivers,

see SDM-CD16AC

Control/Logic ports

Command codes affecting OV-3, 12-1
Configuration, see Port Set - [Instruction 20]
Description of OV-5
Displaying and Toggling 1-5, C-1
Indexing 3-1
Switch Closures, Measuring on Control

Ports 8-5, 9-1

Use of digital I/O ports for switching relays 14-7
Using control ports for RS232 Input B-1
Voltages > 5.5, Applying x, 9-10

Control port serial I/O - [Instruction 15] 9-9, B-1

Programming examples B-1, B-11

Copy input location data to another location -

[Instruction 31] 10-1
Programming example 8-8, 8-13

Cosine 10-3

Add 1 to value in input location -

[Instruction 32] 10-1

Pulse, see Pulse Count - [Instruction 3]
Sending to 16 bit accumulator 9-2

COV/CORR, see Covariance/Correlation -

[Instruction 62]

Covariance Correlation - [Instruction 62] 10-11

Programming Example 8-11

CR10KD Keyboard Display OV-10, 6-2

Displaying Stored Data (

∗7 Mode) 2-3

Entering programs with OV-13
Key Definition OV-11
Typical Current Drain 14-2

CR10TCR Thermocouple Reference Junction

OV-2, OV-16, 13-13
Programming example 7-4

CR10WP Wiring Panel

9 Pin Port Description 6-1
Connecting to vehicle power supply 14-5
Description OV-1, 14-7

CR10X 37 Pin Port description D-1
CS500 Temp/RH Sensor 7-1
CSM1 Card Storage Module, see Storage


CTS (Clear To Send) 6-6, B-1
Current drain of standard peripherals 14-2
CURS100 Terminal Input Module 7-23