Campbell Scientific CR10X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 267

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• On the DataCollection screen,

“Data File Name” must be verified.
(Weather.DAT for this example,
Figure G.3-4). This does not have
to be the same name as the


• On the Datalogger’s Schedule

screen, the “After Call Do” must be
verified. This is the place to put the
name of a Task to run after the call.
The Task is an optional fourth
Device that would run a batch file
(.BAT) or program after the data
has been collected and before the
computer returns to the wait mode
to wait for incoming calls. (This
example does not run a Task after
collecting the data so this field is
blank, Figure G.3-5).

Once the network’s connection settings are
saved, manually attempt to call the station and
collect data to make sure it is setup correctly.

Once the settings are saved, PC208W will
automatically start waiting and watching for
incoming calls. In the Status window, you can
view information concerning last communication
with the site. As calls are answered and data is
collected, the Status window will update the
information displayed on the screen.

To deactivate PC208W from waiting for a call,
1) modify the COM Port’s Hardware
configuration to not Allow Callback or 2) exit

CAUTION: If a COM port is setup to Allow
Callback, the Storage Module software (Stg
Module) may not function if there is a COM
port or IRQ conflict.

FIGURE G.3-1. Example Network Settings