Campbell Scientific CR10X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 360

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RTD Temp, see Temperature from Platinum

RTD - [Instruction 16]

RTS (Request To Send) 6-6, B-1
Run program from flash - [Instruction 111] 12-10
Run Time errors 3-9
Running average - [Instruction 52] 10-4


Sample - [Instruction 70] 11-3

Programming examples OV-14, 8-2

Sample on Maximum or Minimum -

[Instruction 79] 11-6

Sample rate 1-1, A-3
Saturation Vapor Pressure (VP) - [Instruction 56]


Save program in flash memory 1-10
SC12 cable OV-10
SC32A RS232 Interface OV-11, 4-5, 5-1, 6-2, 6-4,


SC90 Serial Line Monitor 4-5
SC932 RS232 DCE Interface 6-4, 6-6

Typical Current Drain 14-2

Scaling Array with Multiplier & Offset -

[Instruction 53] 10-4
Programming examples 8-7, 8-21

SDC, see Synchronous Device Communication
SDC99 Synchronous Device Interface 4-2, 6-2
SDI-12 recorder - [Instruction 105] 9-20
SDI-12 sensor - [Instruction 106] 9-22
SDM (Synchronous Device for Measurement)

Peripherals 6-4
see also each individual device

SDM group trigger - [Instruction 110] 9-24
SDM-AO4 4 Channel Analog Output Module -

[Instruction 103] 9-19
Current drain, Typical 14-2
Programming example 8-7

SDM-CD16AC AC/DC Relay Controller -

[Instruction 104] 9-19
Current drain, Typical 14-2

SDM-CSAT3 - [Instruction 107] 9-24
SDM-INT8 8 Channel Interval Timer -

[Instruction 101] 9-18
Current drain, Typical 14-2

SDM-SIO4 - [Instruction 113] 9-24
SDM-SW8A Switch Closure Input Module -

[Instruction 102] 9-18
Current drain, Typical 14-2

SDM-TDR - [Instruction 100] 9-18
SDM-UDG01 - [Instruction 108] 9-24
SDMX50 channel select - [Instruction 109] 9-24
SD's, see Synchronous devices
Security 1-10

Send Character - [Instruction 98] 12-9

Connecting to Wiring Panel OV-3
Effect of lead length on signal

settling time 13-3

Settling errors for CSI resistive sensors 13-8

Serial Input/Output

Control Port Serial I/O - [Instruction 15] B-1
General OV-3, OV-4, 6-1
Pin Description 6-1
Programming example OV-16, 8-8
Serial Out - [Instruction 96] 4-1, 12-6

Set Active Storage Area - [Instruction 80] 11-6

Programming examples 8-2, 8-3, 8-8

Set Datalogger ID 1-12
Set Real Time - [Instruction 114] 9-24
Set Port, see Port Set - [Instruction 20]
Set High or Low Resolution Data Storage

Format - [Instruction 78] 11-6
Programming example 8-18

Set SDM Baud - [Instruction 115] 9-25
Setting and Displaying the Clock -

∗5 Mode 1-4

Setting Powerup Options 1-12
Short Cut OV-11

CR10X Operating System (OS) 1-9
Definition A-3
Generation of C-5

Signature - [Instruction 19] 9-10
SIN(X) - [Instruction 48] 10-3
Single-Ended measurements on analog inputs

OV-3, OV-4, 13-1

Single-Ended Volts - [Instruction 1] 9-1

Programming example 7-1

SM192/716 Storage Modules, see Storage


SMPL on MAX/MIN - [Instruction 79] 11-6
SMS 4-4
Solar panels, Solarex MSX10/MSX20 14-5
Spark gaps on wiring panel terminals 14-6
Spatial Average - [Instruction 51] 10-4

Programming examples 8-1, 8-2

Spatial Maximum - [Instruction 49] 10-3
Spatial Minimum - [Instruction 50] 10-4
Specifications OV-22
SPTR 2-2
SQRT(X) - [Instruction 39] 10-2
Square Root - [Instruction 39] 10-2
Standard and Weighted Value Histogram -

[Instruction 75] 11-4

Standard Deviation in Time -

[Instruction 82] 11-8

Start Bit 6-7