G.4.1 pc208 setup, G.4.1.1 create station file, G.4.1.2 create a schedule or script – Campbell Scientific CR10X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 270: G.4.1.3 run the schedule or script

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Assuming that ### is the 3 digit ID# (Parameter
8 of Instruction 97) from the datalogger
program, a station file called ###.STN must
exist. After the computer answers the call and
receives the 3 digit ID#, it searches for a station
file (XXX.STN) with the name of the 3 digit ID#.
The computer will then collect data based on
the data collection method defined in that
station file. In this example, the 3 digit ID# is
115, so the station file is called 115.STN. The
computer will store the data collected in a file
called 115.DAT. After the computer has
collected the data, it will look for a batch file
(.BAT) with the same filename (in this example,
115.BAT). If it finds the correct batch file, it will
execute the batch file before returning to the
wait mode to wait for another call.

G.4.1 PC208 SETUP

To setup a computer to answer datalogger
initiated calls, do the following steps in order.

G.4.1.1 Create Station File

First, create the station file and test it to call the
site to make sure it functions properly (Figure
G.4-1). Make sure to change the filename,
COM Port, and phone number to match your
system and not the example.

G.4.1.2 Create a Schedule or Script

Next, create a schedule (for PC208E) or a script
(for TELCOM) file. This file tells the computer:

• Which COM port and baud rate to


• Wait for a call

• Answer any incoming calls

In this example, the file CALLME96.SCR is
used. You may name the file anything you

want, but it must have the extension of .SCR.
The .SCR file is the same for TELCOM or
PC208E (Figure G.4-2). Make sure to modify
the file for the correct COM port and baud rate.

/A COM2:9600

FIGURE G.4-2. Example .SCR file for

Datalogger Initiated Communications

Once the .SCR file is created, set the phone
modem at the computer to Auto Answer. See
the phone modem’s manual for details.

G.4.1.3 Run the Schedule or Script

The final step is to run the .SCR file. The
computer will then wait for incoming calls. The
computer cannot be used for anything else until
it is given a command to quit waiting for
incoming calls.

To run the .SCR using PC208E, select the
schedule (File | Open | Schedule ) and start the
scheduled data collection (DataCollection |

To run the .SCR from TELCOM, at the DOS
prompt type TELCOM to run TELCOM. When
TELCOM prompts you to “Enter station or script
filename:”, type in the filename.SCR and press
. For this example, you would enter

Once the computer is waiting for incoming calls,
it displays a screen similar to the one shown in
Figure G.4-3. The computer will now answer
incoming calls.

Telecommunication Parameters For Station:


Datalogger Type:


Security Code:


Use Asynchronous Communications Adapter:


Communications Baud Rate:


Data File Format:

Comma separated ASCII

Final Storage Collection Area:

Area 1

Interface Device:
#1: Hayes Modem

Number: 14357509563

FIGURE G.4-1. Example Station File Settings for 115.STN