Analyzing the currency of truecopy, Synchronous r-vols – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 148

148 Hitachi TrueCopy z/OS for HP XP12000/XP10000 and SVS 200 storage systems
If PPRC is not installed, connect to each RCU and delete all TC390 pairs. For TC390A
pairs, use the C/T delete option to delete all consistent pairs in the group at the same time. This
option prevents you from accidentally using inconsistent pairs for disaster recovery. Delete all
TC390 sync pairs in the MCU using the Delete by Force and Delete All Pairs options.
After an R-VOL changes to the simplex state, you cannot distinguish it from a
non-TC390 simplex volume. The TC390A C/T is also discarded when the pair is deleted.
If necessary, use ICKDSF REFORMAT to change the labels (VOLSERs) of the R-VOLs.
Verify that all required file recovery procedures have been completed before varying the R-VOLs online.
If an IPL of the remote host system is not required, bring the R-VOLs online. If an IPL is required:
a. Clear the remote copy SIMs from the RCUs before OS IPL. Connect to each RCU and click Clear SIM
in the Other Operations window (see ”
” on page 113). Note that only an HP CE or
ASE should remove SIMs.
b. Perform IPL of the remote host system.
c. Wait until the IPL is complete, and then vary the R-VOLs online (if they did not come online
At this point you may start critical applications at the remote site with the previous R-VOLs taking the
place of their M-VOLs.
Analyzing the currency of TrueCopy Synchronous R-VOLs
The following table shows how to determine the currency of a TC390 Synchronous R-VOL based on its pair
status and M-VOL fence level setting. For TC390 Synchronous pairs with an M-VOL fence level setting of
Never, further analysis will be required to determine the currency of these R-VOLs. The currency of these
R-VOLs can be determined by using the sense information transferred through ERC or by comparing the
contents of the R-VOL with other files that are confirmed to be current (for example, DB2 log files). These
R-VOLs should be recovered using the files that are confirmed to be current.
Table 26
Analyzing the currency of TrueCopy Synchronous R-VOLs
Status of R-VOL
Currency of R-VOL
Inconsistent. This R-VOL does not belong to a TC390 volume pair.
Even if you established a TC390 pair for this volume, you must regard this
volume as inconsistent.
Pending Duplex
Inconsistent. This R-VOL is not synchronized because not all cylinders have
been copied from the M-VOL yet. This R-VOL must be initialized (or copied
from the M-VOL at a later time).
Current. This R-VOL is synchronized with its M-VOL.
Needs to be analyzed. This R-VOL requires further analysis to determine its
level of currency.
Suspended -
initial copy failed
Inconsistent. This R-VOL is not synchronized because not all cylinders have
been copied from the M-VOL yet. This R-VOL must be initialized (or copied
from the M-VOL at a later time).
Suspended -
R-VOL by operator
Suspect. This R-VOL is not synchronized with its M-VOL if any write I/Os
were issued to the M-VOL after the pair was suspended. This pair should be
restarted using the Entire initial copy option, but the No Copy option can be
used if you are sure no data on the M-VOL changed.