NORD Drivesystems BU0500 User Manual
Page 136

SK 500E – Users Manual for Frequency Inverters
BU 0500 GB-1013
Phase V current
(V phase current)
0.0 ... 999.9 A
Displays the actual V phase current.
This value can deviate somewhat from the value in P719, due to the measurement procedure
used, even with symmetrical output currents.
Pos : 361 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P734 – Str om Phas e W @ 0\ mod_1328173871579_388.doc x @ 13123 @ @ 1
Phase W current
(W phase current)
0.0 ... 999.9 A
Displays the actual W phase current.
This value can deviate somewhat from the value in P719, due to the measurement procedure
used, even with symmetrical output currents.
Pos : 362 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P735 – Dr ehzahl Dr ehgeber [ SK 500... 535E] @ 0\ mod_1328173917158_388. doc x @ 13146 @ @ 1
Speed encoder
(Speed encoder)
SK 520E or
-9999 ... 9999 rpm
Displays the actual rotation speed supplied by the incremental encoder. For this, P301 must be
correctly set.
Pos : 364 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P736 – Z wischenkreiss pannung @ 0\ mod_1328174969216_388.doc x @ 13192 @ @ 1
D.c. link voltage
(DC link voltage)
0 ... 1000 V DC
Displays the actual link voltage.
Pos : 365 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P737 – Akt uelle Auslas tung Br ems wi derst and @ 0\ mod_1328175007763_388. doc x @ 13215 @ @ 1
Usage rate brakeres.
(Actual brake resistor usage rate)
0 ... 1000 %
This parameter provides information about the actual degree of modulation of the brake chopper
or the current utilisation of the braking resistor in generator mode.
If parameters P556 and P557 are correctly set, the utilisation related to P557, the resistor power,
is displayed.
If only P556 is correctly set (P557=0), the degree of modulation of the brake chopper is displayed.
Here, 100 means that the brake resistor is fully switched. On the other hand, 0 means that the
brake chopper is not active at present.
If P556 = 0 and P557 = 0, this parameter also provides information about the degree of
modulation of the brake chopper in the FI.
Pos : 366 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P738 – Akt uelle Auslas tung M otor @ 0\ mod_1328175060231_388. doc x @ 13238 @ @ 1
Usage rate motor
(Actual utilisation of motor)
0 ... 1000 %
Shows the actual motor load. Basis for calculation is the motor data P203. The actually recorded
current is related to the nominal motor current.
Pos : 367 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P739 – Akt uelle T emper at ur Kühl kör per [SK 500. .. 535E] @ 0\ mod_1328175099825_388.doc x @ 13261 @ @ 1
Heat sink temp.
(Actual temperature of heat sink)
0 ... 150 °C.
Displays the actual temperature of the FI heat sink. This value is used for overtemperature switch-
off (E001).