NORD Drivesystems BU0500 User Manual
Page 109

5 Parameters
BU 0500 GB-1013
Fixed frequencies mode
(Fixed frequencies mode)
0 ... 1
{ 0 }
above SW 1.7
This parameter determines the form in which fixed frequencies are to be processed.
0 = Addition to main setpoint: Fixed frequencies and the fixed frequency array are added
to each other. I.e. they are added together, or added to an analog setpoint to which limits
are assigned according to P104 and P105.
1 = Main setpoint: Fixed frequencies are not added - neither together, nor to analog
If for example, a fixed frequency is switched to an existing analog setpoint, the analog
setpoint will no longer be considered.
Programmed frequency addition or subtraction with an analog input value or a bus
setpoint is still possible and valid, as is the addition to the setpoint of a motor
potentiometer function (function of digital inputs: 71/72)
If several fixed frequencies are selected simultaneously, the frequency with the highest
value has priority (E.g.: 20>10 or 20>-30).
The highest active fixed frequency is added to the setpoint value of the motor
potentiometer if the functions 71 or 72 are selected for 2 digital inputs.
Pos : 250 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P400-P499/ Paramet er P465 – Fes tfreq uenz F el d @ 0\ mod_1328002410529_388.doc x @ 10687 @ @ 1
Fixed freq. Array
(Fixed frequency / Array)
-400.0 ... 400.0 Hz
{ 0.0 }
In the array levels, up to 31 different fixed frequencies can be set, which in turn can be encoded
for the functions 50…54 in binary code for the digital inputs.
Pos : 251 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P400-P499/ Paramet er P466 – Mi ni malfr equenz Pr oz essregl er @ 0\ mod_1328002464186_388. doc x @ 10710 @ @ 1
Min. Freq. Process Controller
(Minimum frequency process controller)
0.0 ... 400.0 Hz
{ 0.0 }
With the aid of the minimum frequency process controller the control ratio can also be kept to a
minimum ratio, even with a master value of “zero”, in order to enable adjustment of the
compensator. Further details in P400 and Section 8.2.
Pos : 253 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P400-P499/ Paramet er P470 – Digit alei ngang 7 [SK 500. .. 535E] @ 0\ mod_1328002513702_388. doc x @ 10733 @ @ 1
Digital input 7
(Digital input 7)
SK 520E or
0 ... 74
{ 0 }
No function as factory setting, control terminal 27 (DIN7)
Various functions can be programmed. These can be taken from tables for P420…P425.
Pos : 254 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P400-P499/ Paramet er P475 – Ein- / Auss chalt verzög erung Digitalf unktion [SK 5xxE] @ 0\ mod_1328002563218_388. doc x @ 10756 @ @ 1