NORD Drivesystems BU0500 User Manual
Page 131

5 Parameters
BU 0500 GB-1013
Last fault
(Last fault 1...5)
0.0 ... 25.4
This parameter stores the last 5 faults.
The SimpleBox / ControlBox must be used to select the corresponding memory location 1...5-
(Array parameter), and confirmed using the OK / ENTER key to read the stored error code.
Pos : 328 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P702 – Frequenz letzt e St örung 1... 5 @ 0\ mod_1328170589463_388. doc x @ 12364 @ @ 1
Last frequency error
(Last frequency error 1...5)
-400.0 ... 400.0 Hz
This parameter stores the output frequency that was being delivered at the time the fault occurred.
The values of the last 5 errors are stored.
The SimpleBox / ControlBox must be used to select the corresponding memory location 1...5-
(Array parameter), and confirmed using the OK- / ENTER key to read the stored error code.
Pos : 329 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P703 – Str om letzt e St örung 1... 5 @ 0\ mod_1328170627489_388. doc x @ 12387 @ @ 1
Current last error
(Last current error 1...5)
0.0 ... 999.9 A
This parameter stores the output current that was being delivered at the time the fault occurred.
The values of the last 5 errors are stored.
The SimpleBox / ControlBox must be used to select the corresponding memory location 1...5-
(Array parameter), and confirmed using the OK / ENTER key to read the stored error code.
Pos : 330 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P704 – Spannung letzt e Stör ung 1. .. 5 @ 0\ mod_1328170671391_388.doc x @ 12410 @ @ 1
Volt. last error
(Last voltage error 1...5)
0 ... 600 V AC
This parameter stores the output voltage that was being delivered at the time the fault occurred.
The values of the last 5 errors are stored.
The SimpleBox / ControlBox must be used to select the corresponding memory location 1...5-
(Array parameter), and confirmed using the OK / ENTER key to read the stored error code.
Pos : 331 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P705 – Z wischenkreiss pannung l etzt e St örung 1... 5 @ 0\ mod_1328170720639_388. doc x @ 12433 @ @ 1
Last link circuit error
(Last link circuit error 1...5)
0 ... 1000 V DC
This parameter stores the link voltage that was being delivered at the time the error occurred. The
values of the last 5 errors are stored.
The SimpleBox / ControlBox must be used to select the corresponding memory location 1...5-
(Array parameter), and confirmed using the OK / ENTER key to read the stored error code.
Pos : 332 /Anleit ungen/5. / 6. Parametrier ung [BU 0500 / BU 0200]/ Par ameter/ P700-P799/ Paramet er P706 – Paramet ersat z letzt e St örung 1... 5 @ 0\ mod_1328170810570_388. doc x @ 12456 @ @ 1