C2-17 – Yokogawa YFGW710 User Manual

Page 138

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IM 01W01F01-01EN

To define a register mapping, drag a parameter from the Available/Sampling Parameters tree and

drop it on one of the Input Registers.
The size corresponding to the parameter will be allocated in the Input Registers area, while

parameters defined in the Input Registers of the Available/Sampling Parameters tree will be dis-

played with the range of the input register range.
The range of the Input Registers is register numbers 0 to 65535.
The allocated areas are displayed as follows:

• Blue: Allocated data is PV or PV_B
• Red: Allocated data is DIAG_STATUS

Upon mapping, when the registers list is empty, the registers are allocated starting from 0 (zero).

When the list is not empty, the register numbers will be allocated continuously to the closest al-

located area.
To view where a parameter is mapped in the Registers list, double-click on the parameter in the

“Available/Sampling Parameters” field. The Input Registers field on the right will jump directly to

the register address for the selected parameter, and display at the very top of the table.
To edit the register mapping for a certain parameter:
1. Double-click on an item in the list to open the Edit Modbus Register window.
2. At this window, the name and data size of the sampling parameter will be disabled, but the

Start Register and End Register fields will be editable.

3. To edit the register mapping, enter a valid number in the Start Register or End Register field;

the other editable field will change automatically, based on the data size.

Figure C 2-16

4. Click [OK] to save the changes and close the window.
To delete a register, click on it and press the [Delete] key of the PC. The application will request

confirmation; click [Yes] to delete the register or [No] to abort the action.
To view smaller register areas within the Input Registers field, enable the viewing filter in the

Filtering Configuration area at the bottom of the Modbus Configuration tab page:
1. Enter a start address and an end address in the corresponding fields
2. Click [Enable Filter]. The page will display only the areas defined by your selected register
