Important – Yokogawa ADMAG AXR User Manual

Page 85

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IM 01E30D01-01EN


• If the pipe is empty, the output fluctuates or

the Process Alarm (Signal Overflow) occurs.

The pipe must be fully filled with liquid.

• The instrument checks whether the pipe is

empty or not by measuring the resistance

between the electrode and the ground.

Therefore, it cannot check the status

depending on the conditions in the pipe,

electrode, and noise at the installation sites.

In this case, set this parameter to “No.” Make

sure that the check of the empty status may

fail in the case of a high viscosity fluid or

adhesive fluid.

• It takes 10 to 15 minutes to occur the Empty

Pipe Alarm. The Process Alarm (Signal

Overflow) may occur during the period from

the empty status to the Empty Pipe Alarm.


• When using the empty check function, set

the appropriate parameters based on the

above table. The default setting is “No.”

• Each of the setting values has the following

features. Before using the instrument,

confirm what happens in the empty and full

status by checking the setting values in the

order: High → Middle → Low.

Example: In the case of High

1) Set the parameter to “High,” empty the pipe,

and confirm that the alarm occurs. Due to the

Empty Pipe Alarm taking 10 to 15 minutes,

the Process Alarm (Signal Overflow) occurs

in this period. If the Empty Pipe Alarm

does not occur in the empty status, the

empty check cannot be carried out. Set the

parameter to “No” in this case.

2) If the alarm is not released after the pipe

is fully filled with liquid, the setting value is

incorrect. Set the parameter to “Middle” or

“Low” accordingly.

[K20: Empty Status] Display of empty pipe status

This parameter specifies the status of empty pipe

inside the flowtube.




Filled situation


Unfilled situation

[K21: DC Voltage A] Display of the voltage level at

electrode A

This parameter is used to display the DC voltage

level at electrode A. The possibility of adhesion at

the electrode A is higher when this value becomes


[K22: DC Voltage B] Display of the voltage level at

electrode B

This parameter is used to display the DC voltage

level at electrode B. The possibility of adhesion at

the electrode B is higher when this value becomes


[K23: Empty Level] Setting of the voltage level for

empty pipe detection at the electrodes

This parameter is used to set the voltage level for

empty pipe detection. The parameter would be set

as default value without change for typical use.

This parameter is changed to smaller value when

the Empty Pipe Alarm occurs frequently even if the

filled situation.

(10) Menu M: Various Adjustment Function

Setting items

Menu M contains items that are relevant to

automatic adjustments.

[M10: Auto Zero Exe] Execution of automatic zero

adjustment function

Refer to the description of parameter


[M11: Autozero Time] Setting of execution time for

automatic zero adjustment

This parameter is used to set the execution time of

automatic zero adjustment.

Use the instrument with the default setting “450

seconds”. When the execution time is short, an

error may occur.

[M12: FL Zero(IEL)] Display of the result of

automatic zero adjustment (excitation current (Low))

This parameter is used to display the result of

automatic zero adjustment (excitation current (Low)


B50(M10): Auto Zero Exe. It is possible to set

parameters as coefficient value directly.