Yokogawa ADMAG AXR User Manual
Page 68

IM 01E30D01-01EN
(2) Menu C: Basic Setting items
Menu C principally contains the basic setting items
for the flowtube.
In order to ensure that correct flow rate data can
be acquired, it is crucial that the nominal size,
flow rate span, and meter factor of the combined
remote flowtube are set. In cases where the
AXR integral flowmeter is ordered, the nominal
size and meter factor will be set upon shipment
from the manufacturing plant, and these will not
require additional setting.
If a flow rate span was specified upon ordering,
this will be set before shipment. If this is not
the case, however, it will be necessary for the
appropriate value to be set by the user.
[C10: Tag No] Setting of the tag number
The setting for this parameter corresponds to
one of the ordered items.
Up to a maximum of 16 characters can be entered
for the display unit. In case of using the HART
configuration Tool, up to a maximum of 8 characters
can be entered. For more details regarding the
actual characters that can be used, refer to Section
5.2.2: Setting Mode.
If a tag number is specified upon ordering, this
parameter is set up before shipment; however,
if this is not the case, it will be necessary for the
appropriate value to be set up by the user.
[C11: Flow Damping] Setting of the damping time
Refer to the description of parameter
[C20: Low MF (IEL)] Setting of the low-frequency
meter factor (Excitation current (Low))
This parameter sets the low-frequency meter factor
for excitation current (Low).
[C21: High MF (IEL)] Setting of the high-frequency
meter factor (Excitation current (Low))
This parameter sets the high-frequency meter
factor for excitation current (Low).
[C22: Low MF (IEM)] Setting of the low-frequency
meter factor (Excitation current (Middle))
This parameter sets the low-frequency meter factor
as required for excitation current (Middle).
[C23: High MF (IEM)] Setting of the high-frequency
meter factor (Excitation current (Middle))
This parameter sets the high-frequency meter
factor for excitation current (Middle).
[C24: Low MF(IEH)] Setting of the low-frequency
meter factor (Excitation current (High))
This parameter sets the low-frequency meter factor
for excitation current (High).
[C25: High MF(IEH)] Setting of the high-frequency
meter factor (Excitation current High))
This parameter sets the high-frequency meter
factor for excitation current (High).
Meter Factor Settings
Meter factors
(1) The values of the meter factors which are
marked at METER FACTOR fields on the
data plate of the AXR are set in the AXR at
the manufacturing plant.
(2) The meter factors are crucial in ensuring
that the electromotive force is correctly
in proportion to the flow velocity and are
determined at the manufacturing plant by
actual-flow calibration.
[C30: Nominal Size Unit] Setting of the nominal
size units
This parameter selects the units used for setting of
the nominal size.
[C31: Nominal Size] Setting of the nominal size
This parameter sets the nominal size of flowtube.
[C40: Base Flow Unit] Selection of flow units for
the flow rate span
Refer to the description of parameter