Yokogawa ADMAG AXR User Manual
Page 71

IM 01E30D01-01EN
[D22: Ttl Set Val Upper] Setting of the totalization
preset value (upper 2 digits)
This parameter sets a totalization preset value in
the upper 2 digits of the 8-digit totalized value. If
zero is to be set as the preset value, “00” should be
set here.
Upper 2 digits
Lower 6 digits
[D23: Ttl Switch Lower] Setting of the totalization
switch value (lower 6 digits)
The totalization switch function operates to set the
digital output terminal (DO) to the condition which
was set at
F11 (i.e., the DO becomes “Closed(On)”
when the parameter is set as “Closed(On)” at
when the forward internal totalized value reaches
or exceeds the totalization switch value. (For details
regarding the setting method for the status output,
refer to the descriptions of parameters
If this function is set up, the totalization count will
stop at 99999999.
D23 sets the lower 6 digits of the 8-digit totalization
switch value.
[D24: Ttl Switch Upper] Setting of the totalization
switch value (upper 2 digits)
This parameter sets the upper 2 digits of the 8-digit
totalization switch value.
[D30: Ttl User Select] Selection of the use of
special totalization unit
This parameter specifies whether or not special
units are used for totalization unit. Actual setting of
these units is carried out using
D31: Ttl User Unit.
[D31: Ttl User Unit] Setting of special totalization
Units of up to maximum 8 characters in length can
be specified using this parameter. The units set with
this parameter are displayed whenever totalization
(i.e., FTL, RTL, DTL) is selected in the Display
Mode, and they are displayed for
A31: REV TOTAL, and A32: DIF TOTAL when
BRAIN communication is being carried out.
Example: To count in 1 dl (deci-liter) steps with
flow rate span=10 l/s.
Since 1 dl (deci-liter) = 0.1 l (liter), “l
(Liter)” is set for
B21/C40: Base Flow
“/s” is set for
B22/C41: Base Time Unit,
“10” is set for
B23/C42: Flow Span,
“Unit/P” is set for
B30/D10: Total Unit,
“0.1” is set for
B31/D11: Total Scale,
“Yes” is set for
D30: Ttl User Select,
“dl” is set for
D31: Ttl User Unit.
“dl” is indicated for the totalized units in
the Display Mode and is counted in 1
dl steps.
(4) Menu E: Pulse Setting items
Menu E contains items relevant to pulse output.
For pulse output from the DO terminal, set
F10: DO Function to “Pulse Output.”
[E10: Pulse Unit] Setting of the pulse units
Refer to the description of parameter
B32: Pulse
[E11: Pulse Scale] Setting of the pulse scale
Refer to the description of parameter
B33: Pulse
[E12: Pulse Width] Setting of the pulse width
This parameter selects the pulse width (i.e., m/s :
millisecond) that is output.