Teledyne LeCroy USB Chief - Users Manual User Manual

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Chief User’s Manual


Version 1.7

Hub Class (hub.req)

HID Class (hid.req)

Printer Class (printer.req)

Communications Class (communication.req)

Audio Class (audio.req)

Bluetooth USB HCI commands and events (bluetooth.req)

The file shown below, hub.req, is an example of one of the Request decoding
groups supplied with the USB Chief software.

The Analyzer also includes a sample of a Vendor Request definition file

To add your own Class or Vendor Request definition, follow these steps:

Step 1

Create and edit your own Request Definition file (for example,


To learn to write such a file, review the Request (.req) files provided by CATC.

Step 2

Add the name of your Request file to the request.lst file.

Step 3

Click Setup.

Your decoding menu in the Class/Vendor List appears.