Teledyne LeCroy USB Chief - Users Manual User Manual
Page 25

Chief User’s Manual
Version 1.7
The USB Chief Analyzer provides on-the-fly detection of and triggering on such
events as specific user-defined bus conditions, packets matching any Packet
Identifier (PID), packets matching a Token or Setup transaction, data patterns, and
many abnormal (error) bus conditions. Whether recording manually or with a
specified trigger condition, the USB Chief Analyzer continuously records the bus
data in a wrap-around fashion until manually stopped or until the Trigger Event is
detected and a specified post-Trigger amount of bus data is recorded.
Upon detection of a triggering event, the Analyzer continues to record data up to
a point specified by the user. Real-time detection of events can be individually
enabled or disabled to allow triggering on events as they happen. This includes
predefined exception or error conditions and a user-defined set of trigger events.
The unit can also be triggered by an externally supplied signal. An external DB-37
connector provides a path for externally supplied data or timing information to be
recorded along with bus traffic.
Under Analysis
USB Host
USB Device
USB Chief
PC Connection
USB Chief
PC for Analysis
External Events