Operation – IAI America RCA-E User Manual

Page 34

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P. 31

8. Operation

Direct Teach A. 00
Servo OFF 51.23F

Mode Select A. 00
* Edit

Press the ESC Key twice to return the screen back to Mode
Select Screen.


N o. 0 4 A. 00

* Y

1 N


Displays the old position data.
This is not the desired position determined
in the previous screen.

Position number 4

1) Direct Teach

Method: Manually move the actuator to the desired position, and teach that position into the position table.
Example: Teach position number 4 using Direct Teach

In the Mode Select Screen, using the Keys, select
Edit and then, press the Return Key.

Edit A. 00
* Direct Teach

In the Edit Screen, using the Keys, select
Direct Teach and then, press the Return Key.

Mode Select A. 00
* Edit

Direct Teach A. 00
Servo OFF 51. 23F

Servo will turn OFF and the current location will be displayed.
In this status, manually move either the slider or rod, and
determine the desired location (for actuators with brake, be sure
to release the brake). Once the desired location is determined,
press the Return Key.

Displays the current location.

*Although this displays even during home

incomplete status, it is not an accurate value.

Use the Keys to change the position number
to 4. Press 1 to teach the current location (if the slider or rod
moves prior to pressing 1, then redetermine the desired location).
To cancel, press 0.

In either case, the screen will return to the previous screen.
You may use this screen to continue teaching using Direct Teach.

• For data (speed, ACC • DEC) other than position, use MDI to input.
• You must home the unit before teaching points.