Operation – IAI America RCA-E User Manual
Page 20

P. 17
8. Operation
8-4-2 Position Data Table Content
The columns for the position table are Position, Speed, Acc/Dec, Push %, Range, ACC MAX and ABS/INC displayed in
7 screens.
1. Position • The desired move location from home in millimeters.
Absolute Coordinate Assign: Moves the actuator to the desired location in reference to the home location.
Inputting negative values is not possible.
Relative Coordinate Assign: Moves the actuator to the desired position in reference to the current position.
Inputting negatives values is possible. In this case (during negative direction
of the display coordinate), first select Relative Coordinate Assign using
(7) ABS/INC.
Note: By pressing the Key once from the Position Input Screen will
move the screen to ABS/INC Input Screen.
Caution: There are cases when the input value may be rounded off to the least common denominator multiple of the controller.
2. Speed
• The speed when moving the actuator (mm/sec).
Initial value will depend on the actuator type.
3. Acc/Dec
• The acceleration/deceleration setting for the move
to the corresponding position (in G’s).
4. Push%
• Selects the positioning mode or push mode.
The initial value will vary according to the actuator type.
Positioning Mode (normal movement)
Besides 0:
Push Mode (%)
• In case of push mode, data number is the servo motor current control value during push.
Uses a value that matches the actuator that match the actuator with a maximum value of 70%.
For your information, the relationship of “current control value” and “push power during stop”
is listed on the next Section 8-4-3 in this manual.