User-defined channel labels – Agilent Technologies L4400 User Manual

Page 80

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L4400 User’s Guide


Operating and Programming

The simulation setting is stored in volatile memory and will be lost

when power is turned off. To re- enable the simulation mode after
power has been off, you must send the command again. The command
used is:

SYSTem:ABUS:INTerlock:SIMulate {OFF|ON}

User-Defined Channel Labels


All L4400 series instruments

You can assign user- defined labels to any channel, including Analog Bus
channels on the L4421A and L4433A instruments. User- defined channel
labels are available for identification purposes only and cannot be used
in place of a channel number within a command string.

When shipped from the factory, each channel is assigned a unique

factory- default label (cannot be overwritten). From the instruments’
Web interfaces, the factory- default labels are displayed as the channel
number (e.g., “1001”, “1020”, etc.).

If desired, you can assign the same user- defined label to multiple

channels within the same module or on different modules (i.e.,
channel labels are not required to be unique).

You can specify a label with up to 18 characters. You can use letters

(A- Z), numbers (0- 9), and the underscore character. If you specify a
label with more than the allowed 18 characters, it will be truncated
(no error is generated).

From the Web Interface, a limited number of characters can be

displayed due to space constraints in the browser window. If the
user- defined label it too long to be displayed properly, it will be
truncated (no error is generated).

All user- defined channel labels are stored in non- volatile memory,

and do not change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset


command), after an Instrument Preset (


command), or after a stored state is recalled (



The following command assigns a label (“TEST_PT_1”) to channel 3 in
slot 1.


The following command clears the user- defined label previously assigned
to channel 3 in slot 1. The channel will now be identified by its factory
default label (e.g., “MUX CH BANK 1”, “MATRIX1 ROW3 COL4”,

“DIO BYTE 1”, etc.).

ROUT:CHAN:LABEL "",(@1003)