Visual – Agilent Technologies L4400 User Manual
Page 72

L4400 User’s Guide
Operating and Programming
Once the development environment opens, select the example source code
file (.cs extension) of the same name. Locate the “Initialize” function
and change the address string. Figure 3- 5 shows where the address
string is changed within the source code for program
change address string
example source code
Figure 3-5. Changing the Instrument Address String (IVI-COM Programs).
Visual Basic.NET
When using the IVI- COM examples with Visual BASIC.NET, you are
prompted to enter/change the instrument’s address string after starting
the program.
To modify IVI- COM Visual Basic examples for use with with your
instrument, open the example in the \IVI- COM subdirectory for your
development environment by double- clicking the example name with the
.vbproj extension.