Agilent Technologies L4400 User Manual

Page 116

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L4400 User’s Guide


L4421A 40-Channel Armature Multiplexer

Example: Querying channels for open or close state The following command
returns a 1 (true) or 0 (false) state of channel 036.

ROUTe:CLOSe (@1036)

ROUTe:CLOSe? (@1036) !Returns a 1

ROUTe:OPEN? (@1036) !Returns a 0

Example: Querying the Identity of the Instrument The following command
returns the identity of the L4421A:


Querying and Clearing Cycle Count, and Resetting Modules

Example: Querying the cycle count for a relay The following command
returns the cycle count on channels 7 and 16.

DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes? (@1007,1016)

Example: Clearing the cycle count for a relay The following command resets
the cycle count to zero on the channels 7 and 16 for a MUX module in
slot 1.

DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes:CLEar (@1007,1016)

Example: Resetting module(s) to power-on state The following command
resets the L4421A to its power- on state.


L4421A 40-Channel Armature Multiplexer Hardware Description

The L4421A 40- Channel Armature Multiplexer is divided into two banks
with 20 latching armature switches (channels 1- 20 and 21- 40) in each.
The instrument also offers four additional fused relays (channels 41- 44)
for making AC and DC current measurements with no external shunts
needed. These current channels feature “make- before- break” connections
to ensure continuous current flow when switching from one current
channel to another. The current fuses are replaceable. Refer to the L4400
Service Guide for specific information about these fuses.

This module also contains nine armature analog bus relays (channels
911- 914, 921- 924, and 931), four on each bank that can connect the bank
relays to the system analog buses and one that connects the current
relays to the current ( I ) and LO (L) terminals of ABus1. Through