Target dbg data screen - definitions, Saving meter configuration on a pc, Printing a flow meter configuration report – Dynasonics TFX Ultra Transit Time Flow Meters User Manual

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Target Dbg Data Screen - Definitions

1. Calc Count – The number of flow calculations performed

by the meter beginning at the time the power to the

meter was last turned off and then on again.

2. Sample Count – The number of samples currently being

taken in one second.

3. Raw Delta T (ηs) – The actual amount of time it takes for

an ultrasonic pulse to cross the pipe.

4. 4) Course Delta T – This meter series uses two wave

forms. The coarse to find the best delay and other timing

measurements and a fine to do the flow measurement.

5. Gain – The amount of signal amplification applied to the

reflected ultrasound pulse to make it readable by the

digital signal processor.

6. Gain Setting/Waveform Power – The first number is the

gain setting on the digital pot (automatically controlled

by the AGC circuit). Valid numbers are from 1…100.

The second number is the power factor of the current

waveform being used. For example, 8 indicates that a 1/8

power wave form is being used.

7. Tx Delay – The amount of time the transmitting

transducer waits for the receiving transducer to recognize

an ultrasound signal before the transmitter initiates

another measurement cycle.

8. Flow Filter – The current value of the adaptive filter.
9. SS (Min/Max) – The minimum and maximum signal

strength levels encountered by the meter beginning at

the time the power to the meter was last turned off and

then on again.

10. 1Signal Strength State – Indicates if the present signal

strength minimum and maximum are within a pre–

programed signal strength window.

11. Sound Speed – The actual sound speed being measured

by the transducers at that moment.

12. Reynolds – A number indicating how turbulent a fluid is.

Reynolds numbers between 0 and 2000 are considered

laminar flow. Numbers between 2000…4000 are in

transition between laminar and turbulent flows and

numbers greater than 4000 indicate turbulent flow.

13. Reynolds Factor – The value applied to the flow

calculation to correct for variations in Reynolds numbers.

Ta r g e t D b g D a t a

R e s e t

D e v i c e Ty p e :

TFX U l t r a

Tx D e l a y :

4 1 3


Fl o w Fi l t e r :

8 0


S o u n d S p e e d :

4 9 0 0


S e r i a l N o ( TFX D ) :

C a l c C o u n t :

2 . 2 C PS

5 4 2 4 7



R a w D e l t a T ( n s ) :


- 1 0 . 7 3



G a i n :

6 6 / 8

4 3 0



S S ( M i n / M a x ) :


8 . 0 / 9 2 . 4



R e y n o l d s :

0 . 7 5 0 0

2 0 . 1 5



Figure 53: Target Dbg data screen

Saving Meter Configuration on a PC

The complete configuration of the flow meter can be saved

from the Configuration screen. Select File Save button

located in the lower left-hand corner of the screen and

name the file. Files are saved as a *.dcf extension. This file

may be transferred to other flow meters or may be recalled

should the same pipe be surveyed again or multiple meters

programmed with the same information.

Printing a Flow Meter Configuration Report

Select File from the upper task bar and Print to print

a calibration/configuration information sheet for

the installation.


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March 2014