Dsp menu – display menu – Dynasonics TFX Ultra Transit Time Flow Meters User Manual
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The DISPLAY menu parameters control what is shown on the display and the rate at which displayed items alternate
(dwell time).
Display Submenu — Display Options
DISPLAY — Display (Choice)
The flow meter will only display the flow rate with the DISPLAY set to FLOW - it will not display the total flow. The meter will
only display the total flow with the DISPLAY set to TOTAL - it will not display the flow rate. By selecting BOTH, the display will
alternate between FLOW and TOTAL at the interval selected in SCN DWL (see below).
Total Submenu — Totalizer Choices
TOTAL — Totalizer Options (Choice)
POS - Positive Flow Only
NEG - Negative Flow Only
NET - Net Flow
BATCH - Batch Mode
Select POS to view the positive direction total only. Select NEG to view the negative direction total only. Select NET to display
the net difference between the positive direction and negative direction totals. Select the BATCH to configure the totalizer to
count up to a value that is entered as BTCH MUL. After reaching the BTCH MUL value, the display will return to zero and will
repeat counting to the BTCH MUL value.
Display Dwell Time
SCN DWL — Dwell Time (Value)
1…10 (in Seconds)
Adjustment of SCN DWL sets the time interval that the display will dwell at FLOW and then alternately TOTAL values when
BOTH is chosen from the display submenu. This adjustment range is from 1…10 seconds.
Totalizer Batch Quantity
BTCH MUL — Batch Multiplier (Value)
If BATCH was chosen for the totalizer mode, a value for batch accumulation must be entered. This is the value to which the
totalizer will accumulate before resetting to zero and repeating the accumulation. This value includes any exponents that
were entered in the BSC MENU as TOTAL E.
For example:
1. If BTCH MUL is set to 1000, RATE UNT to LITERS and TOTL E to E0 (liters × 1), then the batch totalizer will accumulate to 1000
liters, return to zero and repeat indefinitely. The totalizer will increment 1 count for every liter that has passed.
2. If BTCH MUL is set to 1000, RATE UNT to LITERS and TOTL E to E2 (liters × 100), then the batch totalizer will accumulate to
100,000 liters, return to zero and repeat indefinitely. The totalizer will only increment 1 count for every 100 liters that
has passed.
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March 2014