Dynasonics TFX Ultra Transit Time Flow Meters User Manual

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background image

½ in.

(12 mm)

Figure 12: Application of couplant

Transducer Positioning

1. Place the upstream transducer in position and secure with a mounting strap. Straps should be placed in the arched groove

on the end of the transducer. A screw is provided to help hold the transducer onto the strap. Verify that the transducer is

true to the pipe and adjust as necessary. Tighten the transducer strap securely.

2. Place the downstream transducer on the pipe at the calculated transducer spacing. See

Figure 13

. Apply firm hand

pressure. If signal strength is greater than five, secure the transducer at this location. If the signal strength is not 5 or

greater, using firm hand pressure slowly move the transducer both towards and away from the upstream transducer while

observing signal strength.

Signal strength can be displayed on the flow meter’s display or on the main data screen in the software utility. See Part

five of this manual for details regarding the software utility. Clamp the transducer at the position where the highest

signal strength is observed. The factory default signal strength setting is five, however there are many application specific

conditions that may prevent the signal strength from attaining this level. Signal levels less than five will probably not be

acceptable for reliable readings.



Signal strength readings update only every few seconds, so it is advisable to move the transducer 1/8 inch, wait, see if

signal is increasing or decreasing and then repeat until the highest level is achieved.

3. If after adjustment of the transducers the signal strength does not rise to above five, then an alternate transducer

mounting method should be selected. If the mounting method was W-Mount, then re-configure the transmitter for

V-Mount, move the downstream transducer to the new spacing distance and repeat Step 4.



Figure 13: Transducer Positioning



Mounting of high temperature transducers is similar to

mounting the DTTN/DTTL transducers. High temperature

installations require acoustic couplant that is rated not to “flow”

at the temperature that will be present on the pipe surface.



As a rule, the DTTL should be used on pipes 24 inches and larger

and not used for application on a pipe smaller than 4 inches.

Consider application of the DTTL transducers on pipes smaller

than 24 inches if there are less quantifiable aspects such as –

sludge, tuberculation, scale, rubber liners, plastic liners, thick

mortar liners, gas bubbles, suspended solids, emulsions, and

smaller pipes that are perhaps partially buried where a V-Mount

is required or desired.


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March 2014