B&K Precision 2552-2559 - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 138

; each min/max pair.
<154> PAIR_OFFSET: word ; for Peak Dectect waveforms only
; Value is the number of data points by
; which the first min/max pair in
; DATA_ARRAY_2 is offset relative to the
; first data value in DATA_ARRAY_1.
<156> VERTICAL_GAIN: float
<160> VERTICAL_OFFSET: float ; to get floating values from raw data :
<164> MAX_VALUE: float ; maximum allowed value. It corresponds
; to the upper edge of the grid.
<168> MIN_VALUE: float ; minimum allowed value. It corresponds
; to the lower edge of the grid.
<172> NOMINAL_BITS: word ; a measure of the intrinsic precision
; of the observation: ADC data is 8 bit
; averaged data is 10-12 bit, etc.
<174> NOM_SUBARRAY_COUNT: word ; for Sequence, nominal segment count
; else 1
<176> HORIZ_INTERVAL: float ; sampling interval for time domain
; waveforms
<180> HORIZ_OFFSET: double ; trigger offset for the first sweep of
; the trigger, seconds between the
; trigger and the first data point
<188> PIXEL_OFFSET: double ; needed to know how to display the
; waveform
<196> VERTUNIT: unit_definition ; units of the vertical axis
<244> HORUNIT: unit_definition ; units of the horizontal axis
<292> HORIZ_UNCERTAINTY: float ; uncertainty from one acquisition to
; next, of the horizontal offset in
<296> TRIGGER_TIME: time_stamp ; time of the trigger
<312> ACQ_DURATION: float ; duration of the acquisition (in sec)
; in multi-trigger waveforms.
; (e.g. sequence, RIS, or averaging)
<316> RECORD_TYPE: enum
_0 single_sweep
_1 interleaved
_2 histogram
_3 graph
_4 filter_coefficient
_5 complex
_6 extrema
_7 sequence_obsolete
_8 centered_RIS
_9 peak_detect
_0 no_processing
_1 fir_filter
_2 interpolated