V-Tech CAT5 System Technical Guide User Manual
Page 57

Page 57
K5 System Technical Guide
1. Volume Adjust
Door Station has the advanced feature that conversation vol-
ume of both directions can be adjusted in digital method.
After Volume-Adjust is activated, if Door Station calls a Moni-
tor and enters talking state, current volume values are shown
on bottom line.
The left value means “Door Station talks to Monitor” channel,
and the right value means “Monitor talks to Door Station”.
Each value can be adjusted separately, ranges for 01 to 25,
and 15 by default.
Use “1”/“4” key to increase/decrease the value for micro-
phone ; and “3”/”6” for value for speaker. The adjustment is
saved automatically.
V i d e o E n t r y S y s t e m
S W I T C H : 1 5 S W I T C H: 1 5
2. Auto –Dial back
The Auto-Dial-Back option is designed to simplify field debugging, and to realize single person
testing. Also, it is always used to get a Monitor’s Room Code.
After Auto-Dial-Back is activated, by pressing Monitor’s Call Button, the Monitor’s Room Code is
shown at the Debug Message Area of screen. 3 seconds later, the Door Station will automatically
launch calling operation to the Monitor. However, if you don’t need calling, just press “*” when
Room Code is present. Please note: Auto-Dial-Back is automatically activated when you first enter
Debug Mode, and Switchboard doesn’t response to Monitor’s calling request in this condition.
Online Distributor Info
When Door station works under debug state, it can bring the
information of the distributor and monitors connected to it
on the display, by one push of the PA button on the distribu-
tor. It shows the address of all the monitors, the distributor
type, and the audio & video channel used. Please note that
this function is available only on C5-F414 or F422.
Important Notes:
- For installations using handfree Monitors, it’s important that volume values in both
directions must be adjusted correctly. Otherwise, conversation maybe hard to hear, or
discontinuously, or feedback.
V i d e o E n t r y S y s t e m
C 5 - F 4 1 4
0 0 0 1/ 0 0 0 2/ 0 0 0 3/ 0 0 0 4
M O N M O N M A 1 M A 2