1§introduction, 2§ login, Chapter 5 k5 system softwares – V-Tech CAT5 System Technical Guide User Manual

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K5 System Technical Guide


§ 5.5§IP§Access§2012


IP Access 2012 is responsible for the maintenance and management of access control system to
the whole management software, which can add access controller (C5-IPC), add/delete cards,
back up and restore cards information, also check the pass record.
Operating tools: Access controller gets card information Via Door Station and RFID link USB.

5.5.2§ Login§

1) Start the IP Access 2012 Software

On your desktop, click

icon that has been created automatically. IP Access gets started.

A window will pop up for login .

2) Log in IP Access 2012

To Access IP Access 2012, you must log in with a registered account at first

a) Provide the user ID and password
Default ID: device
Default Password: 123456
b) Provide the Server name and Database Name
Server name: machine name + ‘\K2012’
Database Name: K2012

Chapter 5 K5 System Softwares