2§name§&§function§in§monitor§window – V-Tech CAT5 System Technical Guide User Manual
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K5 System Technical Guide
1. Device List
Consists of 4 parts: GL & PC, DS & CDS, Monitor & Camera
2. Call List
Call info record
3. Alarm
Alarm and events record
4. Unlock 1
Unlock the latch of the entrance
5. Unlock 2
Unlock the latch of the entrance
6. Capture
Capture a picture of the selected video window
7. Record
Performs/Stop Recording the selected video window
8. Digital Keypad
Open digital keypad for operation
9. Exit
Exit monitoring
10. Maximum
Maximize the monitoring screen
11. Aspect Ratio
Select an aspect ratio and a number of split screen
12. Message
To enter the message editing interface
13. Reserved
14. Monitor Screen
Displays the monitor viewer screen
15. Adjust Window Button
Displays or hides the menu window
16. Video Screen
Displays monitoring video§Name§&§Function§in§Monitor§Window