8 column heater, Column heater, Section 2.4.8 – Oritron Dionex Ion Chromatography System ICS-2100 User Manual

Page 57: For details about

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2 • Features

Doc. 065291-01 3/09



Column Heater

The column heater provides temperature
control for the separator and guard column.

The heater temperature can be set to between
30 °C and 60 °C. However, the set
temperature must be at least 5 °C above the
ambient temperature. A thermistor mounted
in the heater block monitors the temperature.
Setting the temperature to 0 °C turns off the
column heater.

If the temperature exceeds 65 °C, the
column heater is shut off and the error
message “Column heater exceeds safe
temperature.” is displayed on the touch
screen and in the Chromeleon Audit Trail.

Section 4.2

for troubleshooting


For best results with 2-mm columns, a
microbore heat exchanger (P/N 060943)
should be installed in the column heater (see

Section 5.13

). The tubing connections

between the injection valve and column heat
exchanger, guard column and separator
column, and separator column to detector
cell should all use red 0.125-mm, 0.005-in
ID PEEK tubing (P/N 044221), rather than
the standard black tubing.

Figure 2-20. Column Heater